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  • Writer's pictureJanice Debo

Discovering the Heart of Portland: A Journey of Connection and Innovation

Our trip to Portland was a delightful adventure that opened our eyes to the true value of face-to-face connections. As we set out to meet with two clients and an insurance representative, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the personal interactions ahead.

One of our stops the iconic Voodoo Doughnuts! It was our first time there, and let me tell you, it lived up to the hype. There’s something magical about sharing a quirky, sugary treat that breaks down barriers and sets the tone for genuine conversations.

But the real sweetness came from our meetings with clients. You know, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of business and see clients as just another paycheck. But sitting across from them, sharing stories and laughter, it was like a fog lifted. I saw them as individuals with dreams, challenges, and unique perspectives. It was truly enlightening and reminded me why I love what I do - it’s all about the people.

Our home base for this adventure was The Benson, a beautiful and elegant hotel nestled in downtown Portland. From the moment we stepped in, it was clear this wasn’t just a place to rest our heads. The Benson Hotel and Faculty Club embodies the spirit of innovation and progress that Portland is known for.

Imagine a place where global thinkers, business leaders, artists, and inventors all come together. That’s The Benson. It’s more than just a hotel; it’s a hub of creativity and connection. The warm, inviting spaces felt like home, encouraging deep conversations and sparking new ideas.

What struck me most was how The Benson captures the essence of the West - that pioneering spirit that’s always pushing boundaries and seeking new horizons. In every corner, there was a sense of possibility, a feeling that the next big idea or meaningful connection was just waiting to happen.

As I reflect on our trip, I’m filled with gratitude for these experiences. It’s reminded me of the importance of stepping out of our routines, meeting people face-to-face, and immersing ourselves in environments that inspire growth and innovation.

So here’s my challenge to you: When was the last time you truly connected with your clients or colleagues? Maybe it’s time for your own adventure. Trust me, the insights and relationships you’ll gain are priceless. Who knows? Your next big breakthrough might be waiting for you just around the corner in a city like Portland.

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