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  • Writer's pictureJanice Debo


Let's delve into a topic that touches each of our lives, yet often remains cloaked in a veil of complexity – insurance policies. While they can be daunting, I'm here to guide you through understanding the essentials in a friendly, conversational way.

Grasping your insurance policy is imperative, akin to knowing the exact path to reach a destination. Insurance acts as our financial safeguard, ready to protect us during life's unexpected moments. Acknowledging this, knowing the content of your policy is empowering. It includes understanding terms such as deductibles, premiums, coverage limits, and exclusions, and here's a brief overview:

Deductibles - The amount you're responsible for paying before your insurance coverage starts to pay. Consider this your 'participation fee' in a claim scenario.

Premiums - The regular payment you make to maintain your insurance policy. It's similar to a subscription fee for the ongoing safety net your policy provides.

Coverage Limits - The maximum your insurance company will pay out in the event of a claim. Think of it as the ceiling of financial protection in your policy.

Exclusions - The particulars that your insurance does not cover. These are the 'fine print' details you'll want to be aware of.

It's essential to thoroughly read your policy. Though it may be less than thrilling, it's the groundwork for understanding what protections you have in place. Scour the document for specifics. If confusion arises, reach out to your insurance agent. Their role is to clarify and assist you in understanding your coverage thoroughly.

Finally, it's wise to review your policy periodically, especially when you experience significant life changes. This ensures that your coverage continues to align with your evolving needs.

In summary, equipped with this knowledge, you're ready to navigate your insurance policy with confidence. I encourage you to keep learning and sharing this journey of comprehension with your loved ones. Until next time, stay informed and take care.

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